Monday, March 14, 2011

Eddies and stuff

I spent some time under the Golden Gate bridge during the GGSKS playing about on the eddy line and in the currents there and found it to be a really comfortable place, at least for me. So I organized a club trip and headed out with two others to see what we could find. Turns out not much that day.

The forecasted max flood was 3.13 knots and this just wasn't enough to make the waters interesting at all. There was certainly an eddy line but it was so weak there was almost no need to edge when crossing it, and hopping up to the eddy above the north tower was very easy. Here's a picture of the other two coming around the corner:

You might notice that the water is pretty flat. Well, really flat. So, with plan A a failure we quickly opted for plan B, which was to paddle along the shore out to Point Bonita and back. Paddling along this shore is sort of a part of the SF paddling canon. The shoreline is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. As such it has rangers and things like that. Close to Point Bonita there is this:

See that white building up there? We concluded that was a house. Like for rangers and the people who work the park to live in. Like a perq. That could be entirely wrong of course but I hope not. It would be nice if the ranger types, who get paid far too little (says I), were able to at least live in an idyllic place like that.

We turned around at Point Bonita. I and one of the guys had some time constraints and we didn't have time to go around the point. Here's a picture of our view on the way back:

That doesn't suck.

One thing worth mentioning. When we turned around we ran into a paddler from a different club who was by himself. He'd paddled out of the bay instead of into the bay where the group from his club had gone. Anyway he asked if he could join us on the way back and, of course, we said yes. But here's the cool part.

As the leader of this little trip I went out with three (me + 2) and came back with 4 (me + 2 + 1).  That means I have a paddler credit that I can use at some future date if need be. So I've got that goin' for me.

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